Breathwork to calm your mind

Feeling anxious, nervous or worried? Just a few minutes of this Breathwork pattern will calm your mind and body -- it's like an instant reset button ❤️

Any time our exhale is longer than our inhale we are actually slowing down our heart rate and shifting our body into the parasympathic (“rest and digest”) side of our nervous system [citation]. In fact, this long exhale “skewed” breathwork pattern was even found to improve decision making after just 2 minutes [citation].

We start nearly every Breathwork session we facilitate with 4-5 minutes of this breathing pattern because we’ve found it’s a powerful tool to start letting go of any racing thoughts and really come into our bodies and the present moment.

Give it a shot next time you find your mind “future tripping” or getting stuck in anxious or worried thoughts.


Breathwork for Focus